After much research I am amazed at the abundant and unique variety of real dolls manufactured today. There are many kinds of modern dolls available; fashion dolls, character dolls, toddler dolls, and sex dolls. The focus of this article is to take a look at the dolls manufactured by EsDoll doll companies to compare what is offered, and to analyze how the meaning of “realistic” in the creation of realistic sex dolls. The sex doll companies researched was ESDOLL . A review of the dolls reveals many varieties of dolls. It also reveals more than one interpretation of “realism.” Realistic dolls made to appeal to adult are uniquely different from Realistic sex dolls made to appeal to adults. All of the modern doll companies researched manufacture dolls for adult ’s play, except one. EsDoll dolls appear to be essentially designed as collector dolls for adults. The dolls made by the other contemporary d...