How Do ESDOLL Realistic Lifelike Sex Dolls Provide Sentimental Value?

 ESDOLL adult sex toy store boss once said: “ESDOLL love dolls not only love but also companionship“.

And those sex toy owners who want to appeal to young people say that there is the emotion behind the desire.

According to the report of the New York Times Poll Center, nearly 60% of single respondents in 2021 have a “follow the fate” attitude towards marriage, while over two adults “want to get married soon” and over one adult “fear marriage”. As Klinenberg said in the book “The Single Society”, “The single society is becoming an unprecedentedly powerful and inevitable social change.”

In 2018, a piece of news that “a 35-year-old Japanese otaku spent $20,00 to marry a virtual anime sex doll” rushed into domestic hot searches. Although marrying a virtual character is still an exception, this phenomenon has begun to trigger thinking about the concept of love and marriage in the virtual world. At least the digital natives who fear per capita have increasingly recognized the emotional value of the virtual world.

In the eyes of contemporary people, “social phobia” is no longer a derogatory term, but a way of life. People with social phobia enjoy being alone, but are afraid of being alone, social fear offline, and social bull online.

To connect with the socially phobic generation, businesses also need to provide new social methods and emotional value. This is true for food and beauty, as well as for adult sex toys.

Just like in the Japanese director Hirokazu Kore-media’s “Air Doll”, “In the face of stress and loneliness, the otaku waiter chooses a lifelike sex doll as a companion.”

Transcript of the interview with the owner of the ES DOLL factory on the topic: Aiming at the loneliness of the new generation.


Q: Some people say that your lifelike sex doll is just for sex. As a sex toy, what kind of product feeling do you hope to convey?

ESDOLL BOSS: You used the word “sex toy”. Sex toys don’t have any soul and must be infused with emotion. I hope to bring users a lower level of pleasure, not only to meet physical needs.

Q: The primary purpose of users buying your realistic sex dolls is to release their desires. You suddenly told me today that we not only let you release your desires but also give you deeper pleasure. What is this pleasure? Is it love?

ESDOLL Boss: When a couple is together, they will have demands other than their bodies. We not only need to satisfy users’ physical desires and the physical pleasure brought about by the secretion of dopamine, but also satisfy their psychological needs, or inner appeals. For example, many users are chatting with us. When using our products, we are also considering whether we can link music software to make some background music, or make some aromatherapy, fragrance, background lights, etc. We even wonder what IP can be used, such as some literary novels or even IP elements of games.

Q: A cheap realistic sex doll costs hundreds of dollars. When you tell consumers that you are not only buying a sex doll, but also buying this IP, which provides a sense of companionship and solves loneliness, but the price is nearly a thousand, they will be willing. Pay so much for this IP?

ESDOLL Boss: We must look at the new generation of “post-95s” with a new perspective. The needs of this generation are very diverse. Some young people in the animation circle, are even willing to spend one or two thousand dollars to watch a virtual concert of a two-dimensional character online, and spend half a month’s salary to buy fantasy cartoon sex dolls, instead of spending money to participate in online next party.

In their demand map, the spiritual significance of these virtual IPs and virtual activities far exceeds physical scenes such as offline parties.

Some of the new generations can solve their loneliness not necessarily by participating in face-to-face, people-to-people scenes. They even reject these secular gatherings, dinners, and parties in their hearts.

They may be more willing to raise cats and puppies, chase after online virtual IPs, and achieve spiritual enrichment through the way of “gaining happiness in solitude”.


Q: In the future, ESDOLL will not only be a sex doll manufacturer, but will it start from selling realistic sex dolls to finally selling services, becoming a provider of adult resource content plus services, and even an Internet product in the end?

ESDOLL Boss : What you said is actually a matter on the implementation level, not the so-called strategic direction. This is just a summary, an afterthought. What is the biggest advantage of the Internet? First, can you really grasp the needs, grasp the development of technology, and the changes in user needs? Second, are you fast enough, such as the development of lifelike sex dolls, such as making intelligent, etc., this is our best choice at present in my opinion.

From the general direction, I don’t want the team to be restricted by some current things. We take a long-term view and develop the sex doll industry step by step in a down-to-earth manner.

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