Texas Adult Sex Toy Store Was Looted By 3 Robbers

 The Sexology Institute, an adult sex toy store in San Antonio, Texas, was robbed overnight by three gangsters, and goods worth 58,000 dollars were stolen. The police had no clues to solve the case. Hope people in the know will report it.


The Sexology Institute at 707 S St Mary’s Street in King William, San Antonio, has a rather sophisticated facade and interior. In a video posted by the shopkeeper on Instagram a few days ago, three men in face masks can be seen putting The front door was pried open, one of them was wearing a Chicago White Sox jersey, and they swept the shelves of merchandise into large black plastic bags, including sex dolls, sex doll torso, man masturbator, dildo, vibrator, lube, sexy underwear, and other sex toys for men and sex toys for women.

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They went back and forth in and out of the store three times, loading the merchandise in batches on a truck and driving away. The manager, Jasper St. James, pointed out that the thieves also stole the cash register, and the only things that were left untouched were sex books and gay sex toys, so he believed that the thieves were low reading and homophobic He hopes someone who can identify the thief will give the police a clue.

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St. James pointed out that among the stolen sex toys, the most expensive one is the most luxurious vibrator in the world, with many Swarovski crystals on it. It is also the item that customers love to take photos with.

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The clerk Melissa Jones started working here eight years ago. She pointed out that because there is no safe place for the public to discuss sexuality in Central Texas, she wanted to provide services in this area, except for sex toys and sexy underwear. Sex counseling, sex therapy, and sex education classes are also offered, and she noted that after news of the store burglary, shopkeepers and staff were relieved that many people from the community came to shop.

Original source: https://www.esdoll.com/blog/texas-adult-sex-toy-store-was-looted-by-3-robbers/

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