Israeli Female Model Faked By A Chinese Sex Doll Factory

 ES DOLL reports the Israeli supermodel Yael Cohen Aris, 25, complained through social media that a Chinese sex doll factory (Ir**ch Doll) violated her image rights and produced sex dolls that mimicked her appearance. She even misappropriated her life photos to promote sales on e-commerce websites.

Yael demanded that the sex doll be taken off the shelves as soon as possible, is looking for a lawyer, and hopes to solve the problem through law.

Israeli supermodel Yael has complained that a Chinese sex doll factory violated her image rights.
Yael pointed out that the sex doll looks like her or is very similar to herself, even the moles under the lips are exactly the same. (Picture / INS account yael1c)

The sex doll sold online, also called Yael, has an almost life-like appearance, including a beauty mole under her lip.

Yael has 1.1 million followers on social media INS, and she only learned that her portrait was stolen by a sex doll factory three years ago when she received a private message from her fans.

In 2018, Yael saw her own sex doll through a link sent to her by fans
Directly stealing Yael’s life photos to promote sex dolls online

In an interview with the media on January 10, she said that I have no prejudice against the sex doll industry. My photos were stolen, and from a certain point of view, it was a compliment that my image was recognized by others, but this factory did it without my knowledge, and I couldn’t accept it. Moreover, he dreams of becoming an actor. Once the sex doll is associated with his identity, image, or the videos he shoots, the adverse effects of the online media will seriously affect his life.

Yael was asked if she would consider agreeing to sell sex dolls if she could make a profit. She immediately emphasized that she didn’t want compensation at all, she just hoped that this doll product would be taken off the shelves as soon as possible, and hoped that this incident would cause practitioners to reflect. “I think it is the best result for practitioners to learn from this incident.”

Yael is also a model. (Picture / flipped Instagram account yael1c)

The staff of this sex doll factory said that in order to meet the needs and preferences of consumers, it has launched a variety of styles, which are similar to the characters in the real world, which is a coincidence. But they also agreed to no longer use Yael’s name or photo for product promotion.

Yael, who has 1.1 million followers, is a programmer and designer for the Israel Defense Forces. She loves programming but has always had a dream: to become an actress, and she hopes to realize her dream by running social media.

Yael at the barracks

“I hope to solve this problem through legal channels. I found several lawyers, but different lawyers gave me contradictory advice. I don’t know what to do.”

Yael is looking for a lawyer to help her with the issue (Image: @yael1c/Instagram)

“I hope they take this doll down as soon as possible. Three years later, the doll is still available for sale on the factory’s website, although the name Yael has been changed.”

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