Popular Science Sexual Health And Sex Toy Skills Consultation Hotline

 Men in Hong Kong can now call a sexual health and sex toy hotline for advice on healthy sex habits and tips on how to use sex toys.

Popular Science Sexual Health and Sex Toy Skills Consultation Hotline

A previous survey showed that 47% of men “never talk about sexual health and toy skills”. The sex brand advocates for a more inclusive, open, positive, and interesting conversation about sexual health. It opened in Hong Kong on May 18. Men’s Sexual Health and Toy Skills Advice Line: 5801 6768.

Popular Science Sexual Health and Sex Toy Skills Consultation Hotline

Johanna Rief, head of sexual empowerment at the sex brand, commented: “Unfortunately, sexual health and sex toy skills are still globally recognized as a taboo and people are ashamed to say the word. Over the past decade, ‘women’ ‘The empowerment movement has dominated the conversation around sexual health and the health and physical benefits of sex toy skills. We now have a ‘Men’ communication line to help gentlemen pay more attention to health-related matters and have fun.”

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The brand conducted an in-depth global survey of 7,244 men from more than 17 countries, including the US, Canada, UK, Germany, France, Australia, Spain, and Switzerland… When asked who to talk to about sexual health and toys When the skills made them feel comfortable, 30.8% of men said they were most comfortable talking to their partners, 20.8% said they felt comfortable talking to friends, and 5.6% said they felt comfortable talking to a professional doctor.

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The hotline was set up to help male friends anonymously learn new information about this sexual health and toy technique, so they have more access to this “taboo” topic. This will support more men using sexual health and toy skills as a natural, healthy way to find pleasure and improve mental health.

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When calling the hotline, male friends are prompted with a voice menu where they can choose the type of information they want to receive. Including sexual health knowledge, and sex toy use skills. Men can also choose to leave a message for contact information for consultative sexual health professionals.

Original source: https://www.esdoll.com/blog/popular-science-sexual-health-and-sex-toy-skills-consultation-hotline/

Read more articles about sex dolls: https://www.esdoll.com/blog/


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