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 You may not believe that a lifelike sex robot has been made. It is so lifelike that one in two people can mistake it for a real person. Moreover, this vivid and realistic sex robot is not only mistaken for a real person but those who have seen her think she is “sexy”.

This lifelike realistic sex robot called Geminoid F is about 1.68 meters tall and looks like a human being. It blinks, responds to eye contact, and can recognize body language.

Now that the appearance of robots is becoming more and more illegible, the Mexican-born robot expert Dr. David Silvera-Tawil wants to figure out whether Gemini F can be distinguished from real people.

The video of this particular sex robot was first published on the Internet in 2010, but recently viewers have expressed their views on this realistic sex robot on YouTube, and many people said they think this love doll is “sexy”.

One viewer wrote: “I wish they had this before I married my ex-wife.” Another added: “Will it be weird if I think she is cute?”

Although some people find this lifelike sex robot very attractive, some people feel scared and uncomfortable after being unable to distinguish the truth from the false.

Facts have proved that it is a terrible idea to imagine yourself facing a robot and a human, but not knowing who is the real and who is the real – and Hollywood has used this idea to capture the audience for decades.

The 1973 movie “Western World” tells a fictional tourist destination for robots, where, due to a safety failure, the robots started a crazy killing. From “Terminator” and “Blade Runner” to “Transformers” and “Star Trek”, the fictional world of robots has excited and frightened movie audiences, and now they are becoming reality.

This realistic lifelike sex robot named Gemini F was developed by Professor Yoshio Matsumoto, a well-known robot designer at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Technology in Tokyo. The reason why it is called Gemini F is that it is exactly like a human being copied. And can be operated remotely.

Dr. David said that he also wanted to know, despite the frightening, whether fast-growing industries would benefit from manufacturing sex robots, such as the adult industry, the escort industry, or it would be better to continue to use less realistic machines.

He said that at present, people’s reactions and answers to the questionnaire after the experiment show that when they come into contact with Gemini F, they feel anxious, nervous, and even afraid.

In the first experiment, Gemini F sat side by side with a person, both wearing the same clothes. One participant had 5 seconds to identify who was the real person. About half of the participants said they were not sure who the robot was. . And Dr. David’s investigation is not over yet. The next step is to study whether humans can reduce the fear and anxiety generated by robots and get used to interacting with them for a long time.

Coincidentally, some commentators believe that this female robot looks a lot like a character played by Jiama Chen in the BBC science fiction drama “Real Humans.”

Jiama Chen plays an advanced synthesizer named Anita. The family who bought her thinks that she is a brand new sex robot. And she is actually called Mia, a conscious synthetic person. In getting along with her, the family quickly realized that living with a synthetic person would have terrible and far-reaching consequences.

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