Love Dolls And Ai Sex Dolls Have Become A Part Of Life

 Love dolls and AI sex dolls are increasingly becoming part of conversations about the future of sex and interpersonal relationships.

More and more companies are now developing various functional and increasingly realistic love dolls, some of which are already on the market. A 2017 survey supported this view, which stated that half of the people believed that the relationship between humans and the love doll would become a common behavior within 50 years.

Love doll definition

You will never find a universally accepted what is love doll. Although this does not seem important, any proposal to regulate or ban them will become a serious problem.

The main problem is how to distinguish love dolls from ordinary love dolls. Can an attractive doll be called a love doll? However, this does not seem to be very suitable for this, because the love dolls provide people with far more than attraction, they can also mobilize people’s emotions.

For example, Mark 1, a robot with an appearance that resembles Scarlett Johansson, is labeled as a smart love doll for its beautiful appearance. However, its creator, Ma Ziheng, clarified that Mark 1 was never meant to provide sex. Instead, he created a robot, hoping that it can help complete various tasks, such as cooking or accompanying the elderly.

Legal issues regarding love doll

In a landmark case in the United States in 2003, there was some controversy about how to restrict the sale of adult toys in various states. It seemed impossible for the state to condemn the company for selling love dolls on a large scale. For this reason, they established a new law, scholars Think this is a right to sexual privacy.

Of course, the ban on love dolls that are too small is another matter. It is true that the innocent love doll is not a human being, but it can still have a serious impact and force society and the government to take action.

Love dolls and society

In 2018, the Houston City Council issued a decree banning the operation of the first love doll experience store in the United States. A participant emphasized at the meeting that Aiwa has the potential to destroy human relations, family relations, and finances, and some people said it would cause social chaos.

However, these predictions are only speculations and have no actual basis. There is no single piece of evidence that can prove that love dolls can affect human beings and society. In terms of human nature, will it eventually become a substitute for some people? Or will they enhance the relationship between the two like toys? There are still many unsolved mysteries about it.

Although it is difficult to study this possibility unless love dolls become more common, it is important to explore this topic as soon as possible. Otherwise, people will see that governance is based on reactionary decisions about things that could have been resolved earlier.

The new world and its courage

The question is how will the current demand for love dolls change over time. As we all know, there was a time when people who were attracted to the same sex would be afraid and embarrassed to show this attraction publicly.

Today, when it comes to the intimate relationship between humans and humanoid technology (or more commonly “digital”), society is uncertain. Whether humans will publicly announce that they have an intimate relationship with the doll is still a question.

No one knows how to answer the above questions, but it is certain that love dolls have emerged in large numbers in the market. In addition, it is also very important to be prepared for this reality. Soon, the laws on love dolls and AI sex dolls will no longer be imaginary or science fiction.

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