Are Sex Dolls Harmful To Society & Human Health?

 Since the introduction of sex dolls, feminists and so-called moral figures have been stigmatizing sex dolls. To this day, admitting that you own a sex doll is still not accepted by society. One of the rumors used to deny the owners of sex dolls is that they are not safe. They claim that these dolls are poisonous and that you may hurt yourself by owning them. They are a danger to society. In fact, all these statements are fictitious, and none of them are even true.

Safe material

The first statement about sex dolls is that their materials are not safe. Critics of sex dolls say that regular exposure to plastic materials may be harmful to the human body. For example, in the past ten years, people have found that water stored in plastic bottles for a long time can cause cancer, because long-term water will produce nitrite.

But what is not mentioned in these statements is that most sex dolls are made of a thermoplastic elastomer called TPE, which has been specially designed to combine silicon and the latest synthetic technology to make a pair of Non-toxic and harmless materials for the human body. Manufacturers have spent years improving this material because they want customers to experience the product in any way they choose without endangering their health.

Good touch

There is also a theory that sex dolls are made of materials that feel rough to the touch. Actual sex dolls feel as good as many healthy people and even better than most skins. The materials produced by them have been adjusted and blended many times, and after output, they are trimmed and polished, and the appearance is smooth.

Damage resistance

Others claim that this is dangerous for people because the skeleton of the sex doll is made of alloy and may hurt you in some way. The person who said this may not have bought a human sex doll, and the customer for more than a decade has never encountered this problem. There is no guarantee whether you put your doll in the car and it flew out of the window due to an accident, but a customer did have this experience, and his doll was actually a bit worn but completely intact.

Howard Stern once showed his life-size sex doll on the live broadcast. This is a watershed moment for dolls because of his high popularity. Since then, thousands of customers have recognized and started buying sex dolls. As far as the ESDOLL editor knows, there are no reports that anyone has experienced any negative health consequences, and almost everyone I talk to feels good.

How to ensure safety?

Sex dolls are inherently safe, but as a responsible owner, you should follow some best practices. Pay attention to the quality of the products you buy. There may be some suspicious companies selling low-quality dolls, which has certain risks.

However, the high-quality love dolls sold by ESDOLL have undergone quality testing by an expert team to ensure that there is no risk of harming themselves when used. Start with a love doll made of TPE or pure silicone, you don’t have to worry about wear, toxicity, or allergies.

Quality continues

This industry has very good regulations, buy from reputable online sellers to make sure you get what you promised. It is okay to spend some money to buy a high-quality love doll, because you will get a high-quality sex doll made of TPE or silicone, with a padded skeleton, which can withstand impact without losing its form, and can accompany you for many years.

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