Smart Sex Dolls May Cause A Population Crisis

A sociological expert warned that as lonely single people began to abandon traditional interpersonal interactions and choose AI robot dolls, the gradual improvement of smart sex dolls may lead to a decline in the birth rate worldwide, and ultimately increase the total population of the world. cut back.


Among them, Japan in Asia is a typical representative. With the decrease in the number of babies born, its domestic population is decreasing sharply, and the Japanese are becoming an “endangered species.”

In 2018, approximately 921,000 babies were born in Japan, a decrease of 25,000 from 2017. According to statistics, this is the lowest level since records began in 1899. Approximately 1.3 million people died in the same year, which meant that Japan’s population plummeted by nearly 400,000.

Dr. Kate Devlin, a senior lecturer in social and cultural artificial intelligence at King’s College London and a top expert in the field of AI, warned that smart sex dolls will exacerbate this crisis.

Dr. Devlin told the Daily Star: “In a country like Japan, loneliness is a serious social problem, and people worry that robots will make the situation worse.”


“Now there are artificial intelligence ‘partners’. For those interested in buying robots, they are usually looking for the companion of the opposite sex.”

In 2018, a documentary called “Substitutes” aired on Russia Today revealed the growing trend of smart sex dolls. The film focused on how these life-size sex dolls helped A national emotion of loneliness and alienation.

The popularity of sex dolls is not unique to Japan, and its sales have surged globally.

According to the sex doll company Dutch Wives, in 2018 alone, Japan sold 2,500 smart sex dolls, each priced at 40,000 yuan.


Noburu Tanaka, a sex doll salesperson, said: “It’s a wonderful feeling. It looks like a doll, but you feel like it’s a living person. There may be some problems when you interact with each other daily. , But with it, these are not important anymore.”

Kanako Amano, a demographic expert at the Tokyo NLI Research Institute, said: “The biggest problem in Japan is the decline in birth rate and population. This is a disaster in Japan and a warning for mankind. The Japanese are at a crossroads and are facing extinction. Threatened.”


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