How To Avoid Lifelike Sex Doll Scams?

 Scammers have been around since the time the industrial revolution came into existence. Every industry and consumer has fallen prey to it at some point in time and the sex doll industry is no different. Scammers from the beginning of time have made use of creative ways to try and scam people into stealing from there and with time they have just got better. Scammers make their money by imitating the product which you think is real and then when you least expect it, they will steal and disappear with your money. Although the majority of the people think that the people falling victim to scammers are usually foolish, anyone who is not careful enough can fall prey to this.

The sex doll business being totally online, there is rarely any human contact whatsoever. Thus the chances of being scammed increases by several parameters. In this article, we will discuss the two major ways one can be scammed while buying a lifelike sex doll online and the tips and tricks you can follow to stay safe, always.

1.Purchasing a fake sex doll

In this scenario, you realize that you have been scammed when the product delivered to you, doesn’t match up to the description you saw while purchasing it online. The life-like sex doll doesn’t simply meet the expectation of the client despite the fact that the seller hyped up its features and abilities in the product description. The difference present can be in a multitude of ways like using a material than what was described on the website and also not having the flexibility and agility that the product was described to have.

2. Not getting the sex doll at all

In this scenario, the customer pays for the sex doll online, and thereafter the product does not get delivered to the customer at all. The unsuspecting consumer falls prey to a website that has been recently set up and boasts of a variety of dolls available for purchase. Only after the customer pays for the doll, does he realize that the entire product is fake and his money has been duped.

How to stay safe to purchase a sex doll?

It is easy to fall prey to any of the scams mentioned above if you don’t have proper knowledge and presence of mind while making a purchase decision. Just by doing a little ground research on the product from multiple websites and making an inquiry of the seller, you can stay safe from these scams.


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