How To Avoid Sex Doll Scams?

Targeting people across all walks of life, scammers have increasingly harnessed their creativity, becoming more and more sophisticated with time. Apparently, 2018 saw 138,291 cases of scam reported. According to research, more than $72 million was lost to the vice.  Scammers imitate that which is legit and are more than ready to capitalize on your generosity and friendliness, swiftly pouncing on you when you least expect it. Although it is the naïve and gullible that are usually victims, anyone can be vulnerable to a scam at some point in their life.

When buying a sex doll, there are two forms of scam that you can be a victim of. The first and probably the most common one is the purchase of a counterfeit doll. This happens when the doll that gets delivered does not resemble the one you ordered and is usually as a result of the seller advertising a product that doesn’t match the excellence that they actually offer. The doll simply doesn’t meet the client’s expectation with the seller exaggerating the features of the doll to trick the prospective clients. The difference might be in terms of the quality of the material used as well as absence of pledged specifications and modifications in the doll.

The second trick is the one that involves you paying for the product and not getting the product delivered at all. Surprised? Well, this is the most common scam, where a person sets up a website and advertises numerous sex dolls supported by attractive images while they don’t actually possess the dolls. The unsuspecting customer then orders for the doll, pays for it, only for that to be the last time they hear from the con. Trust me, this vice is a reality that you might encounter when you’re purchasing your sex doll, especially the first one. Before you become a victim and have your quest for untamed sexual pressure ruined, we’ll go through some of the tips to avoid getting scammed when buying a sex doll.

5 Ways to Spot a Scam Sex Doll Website

1、Poorly-written English

Bad spelling, punctuation and grammar isn’t illegal, or course, but it should raise alarm bells. If a website can’t even find a good translator/copywriter to deliver their English-language website, what other aspects of their business are second class?

2、Do they have a visible address?

Many scam websites don’t have a clear address or contact number – because this would make it too easy to find out if they are legitimate or not.

3、Too Cheap

If you want a good sex doll, you have to pay good money. If the prices are much lower than other websites, you may either get a poor product, or not get one at all. Shop around and make sure you know the price bracket for the doll you want.

4、Avoid Alixpress and Alibaba

Going by many write-ups, a lot of scam sellers operate on those sites – both part of the AliBaba Group. That’s not to say they all are – but a lot of buyers have had a very poor experience on those sites.

5、Don’t rush in

We know how exciting the prospect of buying a sex doll is – especially when it’s your first one – but try do your research, and look at lots of photos before you buy. Do everything you can to ensure your doll is as wonderful as advertised.

4 steps that must be done

Research on the seller

Just as in other products, reviews matter a lot. They help you evaluate the integrity of the seller, and facilitate your decision of whether or not buy from the merchant. Research to see whether the seller has transacted business with other people and how they felt about the transaction. Don’t expect everyone to be happy though, but if more people are on the unhappy side, that should be a red light. You don’t want to join the “unhappy team,” do you? Also, check on the clarity and correctness of the information and description of the doll as communicated by the seller.

With the sex doll business being an online venture, always look to see whether the seller’s website provides you with the relevant information. Is the information clear? Well, scammers will always have vague websites filled with incorrect and unclear information. You can always inquire from the seller information that you feel has not been addressed on the website. A legit seller will be happy to respond to your queries making sure that all your doubts are cleared.

Product description

What about it? One would ask. Well, the product description should facilitate decision making. The description should include the height, weight, product variations as well as the instructions on how to take care of your sex doll in between use. A genuine doll should have a clear and precise description.

You can always inquire with the seller where you have additional questions that are not covered in the description. A good seller should be quick to share with you more information on the product and appropriately induce clarity on the subject. Actually, the quickness and tone of the seller’s response should guide you on whether or not buy from them. A legit seller will happily respond to your question; after all, they want you to buy from them.

The price and mode of payment

Finally, you have gone through all the steps and you have the ideal sex doll that you can’t wait to have with you. This last step is definitely the most critical one, it is every scammer's hotspot; getting you to send them the money. So how do you go about making sure your money is safe? Well, check to see the payment methods that the seller accepts and choose the safest one. The most advisable method to pay for products online is definitely credit cards and PayPal. Why? Both, methods offer a recovery method in case something goes wrong.

If the deal is too good. Think twice! However much it might sound like a cliché, it is definitely wise to look into the practicality of a deal. Always make sure that the price is realistic. Simple! The price should match the product; For instance, a silicone sex doll will most definitely be more expensive as compared to a rubber one. If a seller advertises a product that seems too cheap or too expensive, question that.

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