Caution: buying a child sex doll is a crime

There are many types of male sex toys, of which sex toys are the most popular, and sex dolls are also divided into torso types and overall.

If you want to buy a sex doll, please note that the short doll is likely to be a child sex doll. It is illegal to order a child doll.

Child sex dolls are generally 65-100cm in height, the chest is flat,the face is also child-type, and the price is relatively cheap.

If you want to buy a sex doll, we recommend that you buy a sex doll of 140cm or more. This height is the safest and does not violate the law, and the sex doll above 140cm is more similar to the real person, and the experience is very good.
Buying a child sex doll is indeed a crime. You can search through Google. There are already cases to prove that a man in the UK was sentenced to 10 years in prison for purchasing two child sex dolls. This is a very heavy price.

Buying a sex doll is legal, but you can't buy a child sex doll, please keep in mind.

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