​Why Some might Choose an Anime-Style Sex Doll

For some people, the idea of a sex doll might not necessarily be something that looks totally realistic, but rather, they want something that doesn’t look as real as it should. However, there are a few other reasons why one might not go with one that looks real, instead going for one with an anime-style look to it. For some people, this is often something that they look for, and it might seem strange, but there is a reason behind this. This post will discuss why some might choose a sex doll that is more anime-style over one that might look super realistic.

It’s Popular

The first thing that you should know about anime, is that it’s super popular. Right now, many people love to partake in anime, otherwise known as Japanese animation. For some people, they often tend to gravitate towards anime instead of looking at realistic sorts of media. This is also the case for porn.

Japanese animated porn, otherwise known as hentai, is super popular and many people love it. While some enjoy the more realistic factors of typical porn, for some, hentai is often the type of porn that they turn to. Sometimes the sheer ridiculousness, and even the aesthetic of the girls, can be something that might cause a lot of people to go with the anime-style instead of the realistic one. For some men, they often want to masturbate to a fantasy, and not necessarily a reality.

With some of these real sex dolls, they might end up looking too real, and with the buzz of anime now taking the world by storm, some people want to indulge in their fantasies instead of just looking at the harsh reality. For some men, it might even be one of the reasons why they’re able to get off. Having the anime-style will allow a man to actually have that fantasy placed there, and if they want to indulge in that instead of reality all the time, it can be great.

For some men that own sex dolls, they might even have a girlfriend that likes it too, so it might end up helping with choosing a doll. Sometimes anime-style sex dolls ae bought because of how cute they look, and how they do fit the aesthetic of an anime girl in so many different ways. Anime has been around or a long time, and hentai is often a medium of porn that many people turn to, so this can ultimately help a person when it comes to fulfilling their desires and making fantasy a true reality.

Distinguishes Fantasy from Reality

Now some people crave the distinguishing of both fantasy and reality. This is in the case of some men who might have suffered a loss, have a girlfriend ha they appreciate, or just don’t want to get all up in the illusion of tier fantasies. Sometimes, with the realistic sex dolls, often, some men might end up getting swallowed into this, which isn’t necessarily a good thing.

The obsession with reality is often something that many people don’t realize they’re engaging in until it’s too late. They always need to have something real, something true, and they can’t really distinguish these two. This can become a problem, because often, if the sex doll looks real, they might end up getting smothered in the need for it rather than just realizing that fantasy and reality are two very different things. This is often the case with many men wo have suffered a loss, and they need a sex doll as a means to cope.

For those that get pulled into their fantasies too much, sometimes having an anime-style sex doll can do e job better than a realistic one. They still have lifelike bodies, and often, they look super realistic, but they often have the anime-style face which differs from other sex dolls that are more towards the realistic look in terms of tier overall aesthetic. For some of these dolls, they might have bigger eyes, much fuller lips, and a more cartoonish style. For some men, this can be exactly what they need, since it will allow them to indulge in the fantasy without getting so pulled from their typical thoughts and likes that it ends up screwing with tier reality. It can happen to even some of the best people, and ultimately, it can be quite hard for some men that have been working to really understand e difference between the two but can’t.

If you’re a man that needs the distinguishing, who prefers to have something that doesn’t look totally real but does in a sense feel real, then going with the anime style might be right for you. Some people prefer their fantasies over reality, and since this is a tool used for masturbation most of the time, it can be something helpful instead of harmful. Sometimes leaving your fantasies in one area while also being able to see what reality is can certainly help you with improving your overall health and wellness, and for those that are looking to really make a difference in their fantasies and even their life, this is the way to go.

Can look Like a Favorite Character

Now with anime, there are many different girls out there, and there are some that many people end to really enjoy. Often, sometimes people coin the term “waifu” to discuss the type of woman that they are, almost like wife material but obviously, a fictional character in a sense. Many people give this term to girls that they really love in anime, and often, many people that enjoy anime like to clutch onto that fictional character like a life preserver.

In some cases, some people even begin to fantasize about what it would be like to be with that character. If you think it’s bizarre for whatever reason, think about it in terms of someone falling for a celebrity or the like. Often, it’s similar to that, and for some people, it can make a big difference in tier overall sexual health and wellness if they’re able to actually act out these fantasies.

Yes, it might be strange. It might seem weird to do something like this, and sometimes, you might wonder why someone might get a doll based of a fictional character, but often, we want to act out on these fantasies, and one way to do so is to make sure that you try it out with a sex doll.

With sex dolls, they are given various types and heads. For some, you can get them custom and make them look like the actual character, which in essence is really cool. Some people really enjoy that. For example, if they have a big thing for some girl in an anime that has long, red hair, big blue eyes, and the anime style, this can often be one of the types of dolls that you can create and have. These sex doll are often made in the same way as the realistic ones are, they just have a facial structure that is a bit different in essence. For example, they tend to have bigger eyes and a much angular sort of face.

Often, if one can get their waifu on a body pillow and the like, they might be happy, but sometimes, people want to take it further. With how big and amazing these sex dolls have become, especially in terms of realism and how they turned out, they can often be a source of much entertainment for many men out there. For someone that has looked for a means to get with the girl of their dreams, especially if they’re unreal, while it might seem bizarre to some, for others, choosing to go with an anime-style sex doll can often be one of the best things, since you’ll be able to get it to look just like the character of your dreams, making it much easier.

Liking the Aesthetic

Now, for some people who choose the anime-style in terms of sex dolls, it’s the aesthetic of an anime-style sex doll. Sure, a realistic face might be for someone, but for others, going with something that doesn’t look totally real can make a huge difference in terms of what you’re getting from it. With the anime style, it can be quite different, and for some people, it’s what they want.

One of the main traits of the anime-style sex dolls is the fact that their eyes are huge. Their eyes are so much bigger than the other styles of dolls, and while some might not find that attractive for whatever reason, for others, it can be a make-break point in their sex doll preference. For some people, they want a doll that doesn’t look totally like a realistic woman, but instead they want the fantasy. They want it to look different, and they want it to feel like a real sex doll as well. For some people, going with the anime style proves just that, and it can help with improving one’s sex life.

Alone with that as well, is the fact that many people like to have a sex doll with colored hair if they’re choosing to go with the anime-style. Anime girls often have hair that looks totally unrealistic, from spikes that tower over their head, to even cotton-candy pink hairstyles. Now, it’s become much more popularized in the world today for girls to have that style of hair, but for sex dolls, often the ones that look realistic tend to end up having the same hairstyles that one might see on an actual woman. With an anime-style sex doll, you’re not getting that. Instead, you’re getting a sex doll that actually looks like an anime girl, from the big eyes, the more angular face, the innocent expressions, and even the wild hair. All of that packaged together can be a dream for some men, since it’s often something that they desire, and something that they want. For many men, the aesthetic of this is what makes it so attractive, and it’s what many men choose to go for when they are looking for a sex doll of choice. If you’re struggling with figuring out if you like the aesthetic or not, do take the time to look at the different types of anime sex dolls, and from there, determine if that’s the right thing for you.

Now, with all sex dolls, they can come as either a TPE sex doll, or a silicone sex doll. It depends really on what type of head and style that you’re striving to go for. When you’re doing this, ask yourself if that’s what you truly want out of your sex doll, of if you want something more realistic. You can browse through the categories of dolls as well, looking at the heads, the bodies, and the like, and from there, seeing which sex doll really appeals to you. If you want to have something more in terms of your own fantasies, and they often involve anime-style girls, then you might want to consider going with a sex doll that contains the anime aesthetic to it instead of going full reality with it. If you want the reality thought, then you can certainly go with that as well. At the end of the day, there really isn’t anyone stopping you, nor is there anyone dictating what you want. If you’re going to indulge in a sex doll, it should always be something that you want, and what you will use, since you’re investing in it. It’s quite the investment, and often, it can be something quite huge for a person. That’s why you should do our research on styles, find out which one really makes you aroused and which one you feel will work for your kinks and pleasures, and from there, you can choose what you want, and then pay for the doll, allowing you to indulge in the fun.



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