What you Should Buy before Using a Sex Doll
When it comes to using a sex doll, you obviously paid the money you paid for it to keep it nice and in top shape, right? Well, there are a few things that can really help you keep your sex doll around for a long time. Remember, this doll is an investment, and in order to get the most uses out of a sex doll, you need to make sure that you care for it in the best ways possible. That’s where this post will come in. in this post, we’ll talk about the things you need before you have any intimacy with your sex doll, and some great items to have in order to keep your silicone sex doll in top shape.
The first, is lubricant. For starters, it’s important that you have lubricant when you’re having sex with your sex doll. The reason being, is that otherwise, you’re going to end up chafing your own skin, and even tearing it in places you don’t want to tear it. For example, do you really want to have chafing on your penis after you have anal sex with your sex doll? Probably not, and that is something that is important to note. You need to make sure that you do consider the lubricant that you need for this, in order to help you with skin tearing.
Now there are two different types of lubricants, water-based, and silicone. The ideal one to have is a water-based one, since it’s much easier to clean, a lot more hygienic, and it won’t get everywhere unlike some silicone lubricants. A big part of this as well, is that sometimes people are allergic to silicone, and you would rather not want to find out the hard way through the use of your sex doll.
With a silicone sex doll, you can use a silicone lubricant if you so desire but ultimately, the best ones for this type of sexual activity are the water-based ones, and it will ultimately make cleaning a whole lot easier for you, especially when it comes to the afterwards routines that you might have to engage in with your sex doll.
Lubricant is extremely important as well because you want it to feel good. In order to get the full effects of the vagina that you might be going into, or the mouth that you’re inserting your penis into, you need to make sure that the orifice is well-lubricated. Your penis will thank you later on, and that is definitely something you don’t want to forget when you’re trying to have sex with a doll like this. Do make sure that you have lubricant, lots of it, for it will not only make your ability to really have the best sex possible, but also it will allow you to get the full effects of a sex doll in ways that you’ve never thought possible. Don’t break your skin, instead make sure that you’re lubricated just right.
Anti-bacterial soap
This is another major part of your sex doll upkeep, and something that you should have when you’re cleaning up your doll period. You should make sure that this soap doesn’t have any microbes or bacteria in it, for it can get onto your doll. Remember that a TPE sex doll is often a lot more porous than the other type, so you’ll need to be extremely careful. You’ll want to make sure that you lightly bathe the doll with this, for it will get everywhere pretty fast.
Now when it comes to this, make sure that you get some that you can gently put onto the skin. You don’t want to rub this, for it can cause the surface of the doll to actually grow a bit rougher, and it won’t feel as new as it did initially. It definitely is important that you consider this, especially if you’re going to be using it a lot.
This is an important part of sex doll upkeep. The grossest thing is typically someone having a sex doll that doesn’t have the right hygiene. The doll’s hygiene will affect your hygiene. Think about it: if you’re not taking care of it, letting bacteria grow and grow, and ultimately not really looking at the overall health and upkeep of the doll, it can definitely affect the state of how the doll looks, and it definitely isn’t that much fun either. You will want to make sure that you do take care of your sex doll in the most fitting way, definitely paying attention to how you clean it too.
Plus, if you think about it, if you don’t take care of the doll, that bacteria can end up on your own body, and often, this is how many diseases in the genital area come about, rough the improper upkeep of sex toys. Remember, this is a sex toy, since you are using it for sexual stimulation. You need to clean it just like how you would clean up a dildo or even a butt plug or the like. You will want to ensure that you do have the time and patience to make sure that you take care of your doll in the best means possible, and so that you’re making sure it’s in the best shape possible.
This doesn’t even have to be expensive soap or anything, but rather you can get some cheap stuff from the store and put it in there. you need to take care of your dolls, for it can change the way your overall experience with one is, so make sure that you do pay attention and make sure that you clean it with his whenever you need to.
Vaginal irrigator
this is the next thing that you need. Essentially, a vaginal irrigator kind of looks like an enema, but for the vaginal area. You simply fill his with water and soap, and you clean out the orifices. When you’re going to use a sex doll, it’s imperative that you have one of these, especially if you’re trying to keep your doll around for as long as you can.
For starters, it will make the cleaning a lot easier on a doll, especially one that doesn’t have the removable little inserts. If you have the removable inserts, it might be cool to get this, but you don’t necessarily have the inserts, it’s best to get one of these. You’ll be able to clean the inside of your doll in a deep manner.
It’s super important that you clean up the offices. For one, the surfaces of the dolls that are of TPE skin tend to be more porous, meaning that this will seep in there, allowing bacteria to thrive. If you don’t clean this up and in a deep manner, it can get really gross, really fast. The last thing you want is to have that investment get thrown away because you didn’t keep up with it, right? That’s why it’s important that you take your time and make sure that you clean up your sex doll after every single session.
The irrigator will allow you to have a much better and deeper cleaning. If you’re ever worried about this, you should always take the time to ensure that you’re able to get the deepest cleaning with the irrigator. You can use this for both soap, and for water, allowing you to get the deepest cleaning possible with the device.
Renewal powder
Now one thing that you might want to look into, is maybe some renewal powder. What this is, is that it’s a small powder that you can brush on you doll in order to help keep the skin looking luxurious and petty. Often, if a doll has been used, he oils and grime from our bodies ends to get on there and then, the skin starts to lose its luster. This is how dolls start to look used, and they don’t have that perfect sort of look to them. It also will make the skin much less velvety if you don’t do this. You will definitely want to consider this if you want to keep the skin looking beautiful, and youthful.
You can use this with the inside as well. If you use the doll for a round of rough sex, it might start to look a bit used and not as silky and nice. However, there is a way to help with this. By using the renewal powder, sprinkling it inside of there you’ll be able to make sure that you do dry dust the area, making it look beautiful and new. It definitely will make a sex doll look great as well.
Not only that though, it helps to prevent the wear and tear of the doll too. This powder helps tighten the skin up on the doll, so that if you do have a rough bout with them, you’ll be able to keep it very luscious, and also prevent any sort of wearing that might come about from the session as well.
In essence, you want to have the renewal powder in order to make sure that the skin looks bran-new, rejuvenated, and very nice. It’s a cheap product, costing maybe about thirty or so dollars online, and with this, a little bit goes a long way. If you’re looking to keep the doll around for a long time, and you want to get a lot of use you of it, then you should certainly consider maybe getting some of this to help out with the overall look of the doll.
Stain removers
Finally, this one should be obvious, but you should have some stain removers. It’s good to have a clothing, sheets, and maybe carpet stain remover. This is good if you’re trying something a bit different and kinky with the doll, along with just general cleanup. This will help if anything gets on the clothing the doll might wear as well, and it makes cleaning up any lubricants a bit easier as well. Plus, many of these stain removers tend to have some antibacterial properties as well, which will make it so much more hygienic as well.
A word of caution however; you should make sure that the contents of this don’t interfere with the way the skin is made up on a doll. Sometimes using these directly on the skin won’ do a doll any good, and it can cause some wearing down instead as a result of this. It’s best, if you seem to struggle with that, to make sure that you do take the time necessary to make sure that your doll is taken care of, and you do keep the upkeep on it very high, and it will allow the doll to last much longer.
These simple items might seem a bit weird to get, and some people might wonder why, but if you’re going to have a sex doll and you want to keep it around for a long time, then it’s best that you make sure that you take the time to keep the upkeep high on it. You can certainly do so by using all of these items, and it’s important that you have all of this before you get started with any sort of sex doll activity. This will allow the person to definitely have the best results from this, and it will allow anyone who seems to have any issues regarding this as well to be resolved.
Hygiene and sex toys are super important, and it’s imperative that you make sure you keep this in mind with your sex doll as well. Your sex doll is a toy, even though some might not totally consider it one, but the better you take care of the doll, the longer it will last, allowing you to get more use out of it as a result of each of these actions, so definitely keep that in mind when you have one.

The first, is lubricant. For starters, it’s important that you have lubricant when you’re having sex with your sex doll. The reason being, is that otherwise, you’re going to end up chafing your own skin, and even tearing it in places you don’t want to tear it. For example, do you really want to have chafing on your penis after you have anal sex with your sex doll? Probably not, and that is something that is important to note. You need to make sure that you do consider the lubricant that you need for this, in order to help you with skin tearing.
Now there are two different types of lubricants, water-based, and silicone. The ideal one to have is a water-based one, since it’s much easier to clean, a lot more hygienic, and it won’t get everywhere unlike some silicone lubricants. A big part of this as well, is that sometimes people are allergic to silicone, and you would rather not want to find out the hard way through the use of your sex doll.
With a silicone sex doll, you can use a silicone lubricant if you so desire but ultimately, the best ones for this type of sexual activity are the water-based ones, and it will ultimately make cleaning a whole lot easier for you, especially when it comes to the afterwards routines that you might have to engage in with your sex doll.
Lubricant is extremely important as well because you want it to feel good. In order to get the full effects of the vagina that you might be going into, or the mouth that you’re inserting your penis into, you need to make sure that the orifice is well-lubricated. Your penis will thank you later on, and that is definitely something you don’t want to forget when you’re trying to have sex with a doll like this. Do make sure that you have lubricant, lots of it, for it will not only make your ability to really have the best sex possible, but also it will allow you to get the full effects of a sex doll in ways that you’ve never thought possible. Don’t break your skin, instead make sure that you’re lubricated just right.
Anti-bacterial soap
This is another major part of your sex doll upkeep, and something that you should have when you’re cleaning up your doll period. You should make sure that this soap doesn’t have any microbes or bacteria in it, for it can get onto your doll. Remember that a TPE sex doll is often a lot more porous than the other type, so you’ll need to be extremely careful. You’ll want to make sure that you lightly bathe the doll with this, for it will get everywhere pretty fast.
Now when it comes to this, make sure that you get some that you can gently put onto the skin. You don’t want to rub this, for it can cause the surface of the doll to actually grow a bit rougher, and it won’t feel as new as it did initially. It definitely is important that you consider this, especially if you’re going to be using it a lot.
This is an important part of sex doll upkeep. The grossest thing is typically someone having a sex doll that doesn’t have the right hygiene. The doll’s hygiene will affect your hygiene. Think about it: if you’re not taking care of it, letting bacteria grow and grow, and ultimately not really looking at the overall health and upkeep of the doll, it can definitely affect the state of how the doll looks, and it definitely isn’t that much fun either. You will want to make sure that you do take care of your sex doll in the most fitting way, definitely paying attention to how you clean it too.
Plus, if you think about it, if you don’t take care of the doll, that bacteria can end up on your own body, and often, this is how many diseases in the genital area come about, rough the improper upkeep of sex toys. Remember, this is a sex toy, since you are using it for sexual stimulation. You need to clean it just like how you would clean up a dildo or even a butt plug or the like. You will want to ensure that you do have the time and patience to make sure that you take care of your doll in the best means possible, and so that you’re making sure it’s in the best shape possible.
This doesn’t even have to be expensive soap or anything, but rather you can get some cheap stuff from the store and put it in there. you need to take care of your dolls, for it can change the way your overall experience with one is, so make sure that you do pay attention and make sure that you clean it with his whenever you need to.
Vaginal irrigator
this is the next thing that you need. Essentially, a vaginal irrigator kind of looks like an enema, but for the vaginal area. You simply fill his with water and soap, and you clean out the orifices. When you’re going to use a sex doll, it’s imperative that you have one of these, especially if you’re trying to keep your doll around for as long as you can.
For starters, it will make the cleaning a lot easier on a doll, especially one that doesn’t have the removable little inserts. If you have the removable inserts, it might be cool to get this, but you don’t necessarily have the inserts, it’s best to get one of these. You’ll be able to clean the inside of your doll in a deep manner.
It’s super important that you clean up the offices. For one, the surfaces of the dolls that are of TPE skin tend to be more porous, meaning that this will seep in there, allowing bacteria to thrive. If you don’t clean this up and in a deep manner, it can get really gross, really fast. The last thing you want is to have that investment get thrown away because you didn’t keep up with it, right? That’s why it’s important that you take your time and make sure that you clean up your sex doll after every single session.
The irrigator will allow you to have a much better and deeper cleaning. If you’re ever worried about this, you should always take the time to ensure that you’re able to get the deepest cleaning with the irrigator. You can use this for both soap, and for water, allowing you to get the deepest cleaning possible with the device.
Renewal powder
Now one thing that you might want to look into, is maybe some renewal powder. What this is, is that it’s a small powder that you can brush on you doll in order to help keep the skin looking luxurious and petty. Often, if a doll has been used, he oils and grime from our bodies ends to get on there and then, the skin starts to lose its luster. This is how dolls start to look used, and they don’t have that perfect sort of look to them. It also will make the skin much less velvety if you don’t do this. You will definitely want to consider this if you want to keep the skin looking beautiful, and youthful.
You can use this with the inside as well. If you use the doll for a round of rough sex, it might start to look a bit used and not as silky and nice. However, there is a way to help with this. By using the renewal powder, sprinkling it inside of there you’ll be able to make sure that you do dry dust the area, making it look beautiful and new. It definitely will make a sex doll look great as well.
Not only that though, it helps to prevent the wear and tear of the doll too. This powder helps tighten the skin up on the doll, so that if you do have a rough bout with them, you’ll be able to keep it very luscious, and also prevent any sort of wearing that might come about from the session as well.
In essence, you want to have the renewal powder in order to make sure that the skin looks bran-new, rejuvenated, and very nice. It’s a cheap product, costing maybe about thirty or so dollars online, and with this, a little bit goes a long way. If you’re looking to keep the doll around for a long time, and you want to get a lot of use you of it, then you should certainly consider maybe getting some of this to help out with the overall look of the doll.
Stain removers
Finally, this one should be obvious, but you should have some stain removers. It’s good to have a clothing, sheets, and maybe carpet stain remover. This is good if you’re trying something a bit different and kinky with the doll, along with just general cleanup. This will help if anything gets on the clothing the doll might wear as well, and it makes cleaning up any lubricants a bit easier as well. Plus, many of these stain removers tend to have some antibacterial properties as well, which will make it so much more hygienic as well.
A word of caution however; you should make sure that the contents of this don’t interfere with the way the skin is made up on a doll. Sometimes using these directly on the skin won’ do a doll any good, and it can cause some wearing down instead as a result of this. It’s best, if you seem to struggle with that, to make sure that you do take the time necessary to make sure that your doll is taken care of, and you do keep the upkeep on it very high, and it will allow the doll to last much longer.
These simple items might seem a bit weird to get, and some people might wonder why, but if you’re going to have a sex doll and you want to keep it around for a long time, then it’s best that you make sure that you take the time to keep the upkeep high on it. You can certainly do so by using all of these items, and it’s important that you have all of this before you get started with any sort of sex doll activity. This will allow the person to definitely have the best results from this, and it will allow anyone who seems to have any issues regarding this as well to be resolved.
Hygiene and sex toys are super important, and it’s imperative that you make sure you keep this in mind with your sex doll as well. Your sex doll is a toy, even though some might not totally consider it one, but the better you take care of the doll, the longer it will last, allowing you to get more use out of it as a result of each of these actions, so definitely keep that in mind when you have one.

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