How to Use a Sex Doll

You might have been curious about sex dolls, and you might have bought one. A sex doll is a great choice if you’re looking for something that can give you great stimulation, but how do you use them? You might wonder where to begin, but don’t worry, we’ll outline everything that you need to know on how to use a sex doll.

The Obvious Way

First let’s go with the obvious. A sex doll is used for something simple: sex. Sex is typically you put a penis into the vagina or other orifices. If you have a penis, and you have the doll, you can stick it in there. It’s not really the hard choice here.

Busty Blonde Sex Doll facing forward, gazing the the camera

You can choose which orifice to place it into your sex doll. If you got a TPE sex doll, you might notice just how lifelike the vagina is, so you might choose there. The same goes for the mouth, since the material is made for that type of action. You’ll press it into there, and due to the ribbed nature of it, you’ll be able to feel the friction against your penis as you thrust into the sex doll. These dolls have come a long way since their first production, for now they’re more realistic than ever before.

You might even have a doll that comes with added effects, such as a voice, and even a pressure stimulation where they can make sounds akin to a woman having sex, which is a very neat function. The lifelike nature of these almost replaces a real woman, and you’ll be able to get off with one as well.

However, there is something more to this as well. While sex dolls are typically made for guys to get off, they are also an alternative to a woman. Now some guys might like a lifelike touch, but often, with woman, they are quite the hassle. They tend to come with baggage, and you might end up not liking some of the extra baggage that comes with having sex with a woman, such as maybe various smells, sights, and textures. Perhaps you have the idea for the perfect woman, and it’s definitely something you might not really be able to have unless you can make it or get it manufactured. That’s another purpose of the sex doll.

Less Baggage

Often, the dating age makes women really hard to work with. With the innovation of xxx toys in the industry, it’s almost magical how diverse these sex toys area. Not only that, it can replace a lot of the baggage that a human woman might have, such as her emotions, various quirks, commitment, love, and cuddling if you’re not into that. for some people, that’s not what they want, and instead they want to just have a way to relieve stress. Having a sex doll is a form of masturbation, and it’s definitely a means to help you if you’re not into the added extracurricular activities that real women tend to throw around.

A sex doll is definitely a great purchase. They are expensive, but they are worth it if you’re looking for something that can help aid you with those naughty desires. But you might wonder what is the best way to use it. sure, you’ve learned of the obvious reasons, but there is more to this than you might think, and the next section will tell you just how to use a sex doll.

Steps for Using a Sex Doll

There are actually specific steps to getting the most out of the sex doll that you’ve purchased. This section will tell you in a few simple steps just how to get the most out of your sex doll experience, and what you need to know.

The first thing, is let’s talk about the easy part of this. The first step is really just what you can do with it. now a sex doll doesn’t need to be courted. Dating in our society is ridiculous, with people playing games with hearts, women getting mad if you take them to the wrong restaurant, the whole nine yards. You might not want to be the type to write some lame poetry that she’ll probably forget, or take her out to dinner where she won’t end up eating anything at all. A sex doll doesn’t need that extra romantic crap either, so you don’t have to sweep it off its feet. However, a sex doll is ready for action, and it comes with three holes at most and a few outfits. The easy use, is to just lubricate your penis, choose where you want to put it, and it’s as simple as that. it’s not that hard to actually use a sex doll for the obvious purpose of it, which is sex.

However, the second step, after you have your fun and get your rocks off, is that you will want to clean it off. Now, you will want to get a deep cleaning in there. You might want to get it in deep, but remember she won’t get pregnant. She can’t. she’s a doll. There’s no point in leaving semen in there, because think about it, it’s kind of gross if leftover semen is left somewhere. You can probably smell a tissue you’ve used to know that. instead, take the time to clean it up once you’re done.

Take some warm water and soap and put it in there, scrubbing to clean it. Once you’ve finished cleaning anything that is still in there. You can never be too careful, and it’s common knowledge that you should always clean your sex toys when you’re done, and a sex doll is no exception, so make sure that you do that.

Now, once you’re done, if you’re the type of person who doesn’t want the baggage of a girlfriend but does want to treat the doll kind of like one, you can get her some outfits. You don’t have to do this. It’s totally optional, but it’s something that you can do if you have a wild fantasy, and you want to use the sex doll in order to act them out. Depending on how you feel, you can choose various outfits for your sex doll. While you do get a few of them when you buy them, it’s not the same as actually buying some extra outfits. Maybe you have a sexy nurse fantasy, or a sexy teacher fantasy. Get her one of the outfits and put it on her. You can buy these as well online if you want to. You might want to get a French maid outfit for the evening, or maybe you’ve really wanted her to dress like the high school crush that you had, so you can dress her in the outfit that she used to wear that you remember her by.

Now remember, this is totally optional. You don’t have to do this. Commonly, one of the problems with this is that some people get a bit too attached and involved, and they start to get a bit obsessive over it. if you want to treat her as a close companion and such, go for it, but if you’re not into that and are just looking for a quick and dirty way to have a little bit of fun, then you can always opt out. Remember, this is your doll, these are just a few of the great suggestions out there.

If you want to, there is another step that you can take. You can name it. now this might be a bit of a strange sort of thing, and some people might not be into it, but if you want to name it, go for it. You might feel a bit strange, but if you want to have a deeper connection with the doll, then you can certainly do so. You typically do get a doll with a name, but often, it might not be what you like, and you just prefer the design. You can always rename it. some might get a bit more attached because of it, but if you’re not into the name that the doll was given, then it’s your choice on changing it. remember, this is up to you.

Other Interesting Things to Do with Your Sex Doll

Now sex isn’t all that you can do with your sex doll. If you ever feel that teensy need for some companionship, there are always a few interesting things that you can do with them. This section can help you learn a bit more on how to use a sex doll, perhaps in other ways than just sex.

Now the first, is maybe you need a date for something. This is totally optional, and if you have to fake to someone that you’re taken, this is actually a way to go. There are a few that do this, and while it might be considered weird, it’s your choice. If you want to take your sex doll on a date, especially if you’re feeling the need for that companionship, then go for it. it’s totally plausible to do this, and often, if you really feel that connection, it’s a great way to do it.

You can take them perhaps out to eat, maybe to the park, wherever. Remember, they are waterproof, so if you want to get a little bit wet, you certainly can. If you want to take them out for a date, then it’s totally fine. It is a use for them, and it is one of the cool ways to use a sex doll.

Now, there are a few that do like to have sex dolls because they like the idea of having someone around. Perhaps you’re an artist and you need a muse. You can always use your sex doll for posing and such. It is a means to use it, and who knows, this could allow you to bond with your sex doll, and you’ll be able to create a deeper sort of relationship. Plus, if you’re an artist of sorts, this could be the muse that you’re going for. it definitely is a great way to really expand your horizons.

You can even take your sex doll out on trips. Some people like to take their sex dolls out skydiving, and it’s been seen. If you’ve wanted to explore the world but don’t want to deal with a woman or any of that, and you don’t want to pay for someone else, this is definitely one of the ways to use it. You definitely can get a lot of great adventures and memories out of this, and most of all, it’s with someone that you do share a bond with, since the sex doll is always there with you.

With sex dolls, it might seem like a bit of a strange thing to have such a tight bond, but it’s often encouraged if you’re thinking about really getting close with it and bonding. You can use your sex doll like this, or as just a means to help relieve some stress. Ultimately, it’s what you want to do with it. it is your sex doll, your choice, your toy, and just like any other sex toy, what you do with it is with you, just make sure that you clean it up after this.

By using your sex doll more and more, it can help with various issues that you might have. A sex doll I a great investment, and you can certainly get a lot of great and fun activities out of this. By exploring yourself and the sex doll, doing what you feel is right with it, you’ll be able to get even more benefits out of this as well, and it’ll create a newfound freedom for one who is looking to get deeper and deeper into sex toy exploration, and a much larger understanding and knowledge of yourself.


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