​How to Maintain the Best hygiene when using a Sex Doll

Having a sex doll is quite the investment, and for some people, making sure that it’s properly taken care of is quite important. But, do you know how to take care of a sex doll? You might not, and that’s actually super important. This post will discuss the best ways to take care of your love doll, and how to ensure that you have the right care for it so that it can last a long time.

Bathing and Sex

Now, there are two parts to this, mostly because with a doll, you’re either going to take care of it, or you’re going to have sex with it. When you are having sex, there are a few things that you need to know about when you are cleaning a sex doll, and they are listed as follows.

When you are using a sex doll, it’s advised to use a water-based lubricant. This is much easier to clean than the silicone ones, although you could theoretically use silicone if you wanted to. These should be used when you’re entering all orifices, in order to prevent your own skin tearing. The last thing you want is your penis to get chafed, right? Make sure you keep this in mind.

When it comes to the weight on the doll, make sure you don’t put your full weight on the hands or wrists. Often, they might not be able to hold the weight and they can definitely break if you’re not careful. This is more common with silicone than TPE, but you should be careful. If you want to do it doggy-style, you should support the torso beneath her with either furniture, or some pillows.

Next is bathing. It’s important that you clean our doll every 30 days in a thorough manner by either using a bath or a hot shower and some mild antimicrobial soap. You can sit the doll in the water or shower, but make sure that you don’t let the head or neck submerge, since often this can ruin the texture of the sex doll.

Now, in order to wash the doll’s face, you should get a wet cloth and some mild antibacterial soap. You shouldn’t submerge the head in water to rinse but you should do this with gentle strokes, all against the skin. Make sure to get all of the surface areas.

When you’re done, you can use a towel to dry the doll. You don’t want to rub it because it’ll wear down the skin, but rather use very small pats in order to pat dry the doll once you cleanse it.

Wait until the doll is finally totally cleaned up. When that is done, you should get the renewal powder that you have and brush it on the skin. This is used to keep the skin very soft, and like velvet. It’s important though, that you make sure that you never use a blow-dryer or any sort of heat sources to dry the doll, because this could potentially melt and warp the skin.

How to Clean the Orifices

Now, with your dolls, you are given three orifices to work with. These are very similar to how they are on an actual woman, and it’s important that you keep these clean, and in some cases, it’s much more important to have this area cleaned than he outside, because often, this is where many bacterial infections begin. Remember, this is a sex toy, and just like any other sex toy, it should be cleaned when you’re done with use, because there can be bacteria growth. With TPE skin, you should be even more considerate of this, because it’s much more porous than silicone is, so make sure that you thoroughly clean this.

Now, in order to clean this, you can either take out the inserts or leave them in if unable to take them out. If you do take them out, leave them on a clean, sterilized surface. Now, what you want to do is to flush out the area with an antibacterial soap and water combination, that is put in a vaginal irrigator. This is used to help thoroughly clean out the area of any mess within. You can do this with the inserts out as well by directly holding it and doing the same thing.

When it is thoroughly clean, you will want to rinse this area with clean water placed in the vaginal irrigator and make sure all of the soap is removed. It’s advised that you rinse out and clean the vaginal irrigator that had soapy water in it thoroughly so that you’re not actually getting any more soap in that area.

When you are done, you should make sure that you dry the canal well, typically by making sure that you do take the time to pat dry it, or in some cases, actually move a towel over the surface in a light manner in order to clean it.

When done, it’s best that you get the renewal powder once more. This will keep everything looking fresh and like new. It’s great to use, and you can dust the area with said renewal powder. Make sure that the area is thoroughly dried in order to prevent anything from sticking to the insides of this and making it grows. You should make sure to get the outside cavity as well, for it will make the doll look new in that area along with the external surfaces that you’ve seen already.

Now, this is important to know about, because you want to clean up the doll in the best manner possible. By taking the time to clean it, actually ensuring that you have a nice and clean surface on your doll, you’ll be able to keep it in a nice manner, allowing the doll to be used for many different occurrences, and for a much longer period of time.

Skin care and Clothing

Finally, there is clothing and skin care. It was mentioned earlier about skin care, but there is much more to it than has been uttered before. It’s important to know how to take care of the skin and as well how to make the doll look fashionable and aesthetic, which is what this part will discuss with.

Now, clothing is optional, but some people like to get cute outfits for their dolls. It’s important to mention, because often, people will get the wrong material in terms of clothing, which can cause the doll’s shine to lessen. However, it’s easy to get the right kind of clothing, and easy to take care of the skin so that it does shine for much longer.

The first thing to do, is if you start to realize that the skin is much tackier, it shouldn’t be like that. Tacky skin is often a result of the oils that you might have on your skin. These are naturally-occurring oils, but with the nature of the skin, it often causes problems since it typically makes it harder to fix if you’re not careful, and it can ruin the overall feel of the doll. However, the best way to fix this, is to make sure that you do dust the doll in a light manner with the renewal powder that you can get. You should try to do this after you clean and dry the doll, and it will make the skin feel velvety and smooth. It’s also more than that though, since it will prevent the tearing of the skin of a sex doll, so make sure you’re careful about that. This is very important in TPE sex dolls over anything else, since the skin tends to be more porous and subjected to issues.

Now, you should make sure when you’re choosing clothing for your sex doll, that it doesn’t transfer colors. What this means, is you should make sure that you’re choosing clothing that won’t transfer into the skin. With a TPE sex doll, the skin is actually so porous that sometimes, in some cases, the darker colors that might be on the clothing will bleed through and cause color problems on the doll. These are often seen as little splotches. However, they’re extremely difficult to remove, and in some cases even impossible for some stains if they’re not able to be taken out. If you do need to remove stains, you can get a sex doll stain remover to help remove this.

Now, when you’re choosing clothing, you should make sure that you don’t put your sex doll with any items that have inks on them. This can include any sort of dark-colored book, a leather-bound piece of material, or even a newspaper and magazine. There are some oil-soluble pigments as well that you should be careful with. These are also extremely absorbent in the doll, so if you’re going to put your doll somewhere, make sure that it’s not on top of any paper goods surface, since it can often make a lot of problems come to the forefront when you’re looking at a sex doll.

Now, when you’re using a sex doll, lubricant is important. With silicone dolls, you can get away with using silicone on the occasion, but it’s best to make sure that you get a water-based one. This will do the least amount of damage and staining, since this comes off with water. You might have seen petroleum lubes, and while this might seem like it’s okay, it tends to be absorbed into the skin, and this in turn will break it down. A good rule of thumb with this, is if it looks like it’ll absorb into the doll, you should make sure not to have it around.

With fabrics, sometimes having a rough fabric that a doll wears can often be a problem, since it can damage the skin of the dolls. You should ideally go for specialty sex doll clothing, which you can find in adult stores and retailers. This will give your doll something great and realistic to work with, and not only that, many times sex dolls don’ have clothing that fits them well, since often he bust to waist ratio can be quite jarring. So, make sure that you choose something that fits your doll, and fits the skin.

Finally, it’s advised that if you’re going to take your sex doll outside, don’t have them in direct sunlight. This is also important in terms of storing a sex doll, because often, if you’re not careful, you might put the sex doll in front of some sunlight. Sunlight is actually way more damaging to TPE sex dolls than the silicone ones, simply because TPE skin ages when it’s in the sunlight. If you’re going to bring it out, work to cover the skin, or use an umbrella to help prevent any sorts of skin damage that might come about as a result of it all.

With sex dolls, their own personal hygiene is very important to consider. You want to have it around for a long time, and you want to take care of it. By making sure that you do both of these things by having your sex doll in the right place, you’ll be able to ensure that you’re giving your doll the best treatment possible. Do make sure that you take care of the doll, and from there, you’ll have a much better result of your own personal actions.

Now, by taking care of the sex doll, you’ll be able to improve the time it’ll be around. Remember, sex dolls are expensive, and they are investment. By making sure that you take care of it in an effective way, you’ll be able to preserve the time you have it around, and in many cases, the doll will end up being around for years, maybe even decades, if you’re smart with the upkeep and ensure that it’s totally taken care of in a hygienic manner.



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