Could a Sex Doll Help with Depression?
Depression. It affects many lives in this day and age, and it’s often one of the most major mental disorders out there. However, there is one solution that has yet to be totally explored: sex dolls. Real love dolls can often be seen as a means to help with sexual frustrations, but some have alluded to it perhaps helping with depression as well.
Could a sex doll help with depression? Well, think about Oscar Kokoschka, who was an artist that actually had a bayonet wound while serving in the Russian front during World War I. He was enlisted in the army, but after being hurt, he returned to find out that his lover, a woman by the name of Alma Mahler, actually married another man.
Now, this is much before commercial sex dolls and advancements in mental health, but that doesn’t mean that this isn’t valid. For some, this can be a great way to curb depression, and it can help with getting over the stimulating factors of this. Because of despair, the man created a replica of her, a mannequin that looked just like her.
With TPE sex dolls in this day and age, they’re programmed and made to look almost like real women. You can even get them customized as well. That means, if you want one to look like your ex lover, you certainly can, or even a late lover that died for whatever reason.
Why the Creation?
One might wonder what one would get out of having a life size sex doll in their life. Well, think about it, if a person misses their partner so much, it can cause them to want to keep them alive in their life in some way by creating a life-size replica of this, which in turn would be a sex doll in this way. Kokoschka actually managed to sketch out and draw her with detailed drawings of his lover. He went to someone who was skilled at making mannequins. Kokoschka asked for her to make the woman real. The mannequin maker managed to make the woman feel as soft and as sensuous as a woman, so swan skin was used. Feeling is typically the highlight of many sex dolls.
If you feel a sex doll, they often can feel almost real. For those that are missing a person in their life, this can be a fitting sort of replacement for them, which in turn can fill a void in the person’s heart.
However, with sex dolls, it definitely is important that they are visually oriented as well. Men are often very visually oriented, which is why these end up looking lifelike. For those who want a sex doll to look like the person that they want it to look like, careful consideration is taken and the doll can be manufactured to specific interests. It’s important that they feel lifelike, but often, the way that they look can play a much larger role in this, since men rely more on visuals rather than touch and emotions.
Cutting off Emotions
For many who are depressed due to losing a loved one, a sex doll can be a way for them to feel these human emotions once again. When a loss happens, it can cause a person to not want to explore that realm of sexuality anymore, and even turn off all feelings that are associated with this. It can really make a person feel almost dissociated from typical human life, however, a sex doll is a means to help turn that switch back on once again.
If they look similar, feel similar, and if you want one that has a heat and vocal function, even feel similar, it can often be a great way to help fill the void of depression a person might feel. Often, it’s very hard to replicate this, but if someone misses a person enough, this can be a fitting replacement, which in turn will allow them to put their affections towards another person rather than just themselves.
For some, this can even be a replacement for a companion in a sense. for Kokoschka, he actually used his doll in different ways. For example, he used it as a model for the paintings he did, hired a maid to look after her and he even took the doll to the opera and to parties. While some didn’t know how far the intimacy went, for those that have dolls in this day and age, it often can lead to sexual contact as well. He even had servants and friends spread various rumors of the doll and the newspapers actually relayed the stories. He even beheaded the doll at a party and poured wine over her, and the police patrol thought it was a real corpse.
Now it might not get as far as the last part of that, but if you think about it, loneliness, depression, the lack of intimacy with a person, all of that, can really change a person for the worse. For some, it can lead to sexual assault, and even becoming so clouded that they believe abuse is okay, which it isn’t, but in some ways, having the dolls can protect the person from any harmful actions that they might do, including even actions to themselves, since often, the person who loses the woman will tend to blame themselves.
But with a sex doll, if you do have that kind of connection with it, you can take it with you to various functions. You can show it off if you want, and while it might seem strange to an outsider, for many, this is a key coping mechanism, and it’s what can work for someone.
Now with many of these lifelike silicone sex dolls, they are made realistic. In this day and age, they aren’t mannequins like the ones that Kokoschka had, but rather, they are actually anatomically correct dolls, although some of them are much smaller than the average woman, but typically, they’re about the same size as a real woman. These dolls typically have glass eyes, real like hair, synthetic TPE skin that feels real, intelligence personalities in some cases, and even voice commands and sensors if that’s what a person wants. Of course, this can be as large or as limited as one wants it to be, with someone either wanting all of this, or maybe just a doll that looks like the person. There are so many different options, that people can even have the ultimate duplicate at hand. This can prove to be a great choice, and while it might seem a bit much, for many, it’s the perfect type.
In this day and age, you can even use laser 3D modeling to laser scan and recreate a detailed human figure, right down to some of the textures of the skin, which creates the ultimate duplicate.
Can be Used for More Than Sex
Now for some of these people, the sex dolls can be more like an art form and a companion than just someone to fill in the void of sex. For some, this is actually a piece of artwork, which was designed and created and it is definitely a piece that can be shown as a performance art piece. For some, it can be a muse as well, allowing the person to create great works of art that can be inspiring to the masses. For others, this can be just a partner to go do fun things with, such as maybe go out on dates.
If depression ends up ruining the social skills of someone, this doll can be used for that as well. The person can talk to the doll, take it out on dates, even spend quality time with it. While sex id a great function for this, and the urges are often healthy to put out at the doll, these can be used for so many more various great means, and they are ultimately up to the person at hand in regards to what they want to do.
hese dolls can help with the anguish too by just being there. For some, they are received as a sort of companion for many, and it can be a good solution for some in terms of loss. Now this doesn’t fit everyone, but it is in some situations a healthy way to cope in their own ways. Yes, it is a bit bizarre to an outsider, but for those that have a doll, it can make a world of a difference.
There is even a study on the association between these dolls and some people. For Kokoschka, it was almost like an extension of himself in a sense, and it was part of his own personal artistic agenda. There is an association between artists and mannequins, and even from as far back to the renaissance to Degas and Manet, mannequins played a huge part of artistic representation. For those that are depressed, it can also be their way of expressing themselves as well. It definitely played a huge part in the contemporary and surrealists movements as well. However, it was also seen as a way to cope with anguish, which when working together, proved to help the person get over the loss of losing the one that they love. Of course, with Kokoschka, he also used the doll in order to increase the reputation of himself as well. It is a bit of a weird and crazy way to do so, but it is also very shrewd.
Now, not everyone who gets a sex doll will be using it for those reasons. Sex dolls can help cope with depression by being the sort of way to allow a person to take out their actions and frustrations on. It can help as well with various communications, which can often assist a person into getting back into society once more. Sometimes, if a person has this sex doll with them for a little bit, it can give them the confidence to go out in the real world and start dating and talking once more. This can be a great step for them, and often, for those with depression, it can lift their spirits up and help them fill any holes left in their hearts.
For some psychologists, if there is an obsession there as well as depression, such as the person doesn’t think he can get over the person, a sex doll can show them that. It can show that while yes, this is a way to cope, but it’s not the end-all to this. It can show them that it’s worth it to get out and talk to others, to fulfill that need for another person, while also working with the sexual urges that the person has.
If you or someone you know has suffered a loss, this might be a good way to help one get back into the swing of things in society. If you’re working with a psychologist, and you tend to have a fascination with someone in the past, ask if this is the right solution for your struggles. Silicone sexdolls are there to help people with various conditions and mental afflictions, and they can even help with the obsessive nature that loss sometimes gives to a person. At the end of the day, it is the choice of the person on whether or not they want to go this route, but in many ways, sometimes it’s a way to cope that you might have dreamed of. It’s a way to help a person really get the spark back into their life, allowing them to become functional in society once more. It can be rough out there for those that have suffered from loss. It’s never fun, and the pain of being stuck in the moment can cause anxiety, but if you do take the time to learn about this, learn about yourself, and work on these urges it can make the depression coping easier.

Could a sex doll help with depression? Well, think about Oscar Kokoschka, who was an artist that actually had a bayonet wound while serving in the Russian front during World War I. He was enlisted in the army, but after being hurt, he returned to find out that his lover, a woman by the name of Alma Mahler, actually married another man.
Now, this is much before commercial sex dolls and advancements in mental health, but that doesn’t mean that this isn’t valid. For some, this can be a great way to curb depression, and it can help with getting over the stimulating factors of this. Because of despair, the man created a replica of her, a mannequin that looked just like her.
With TPE sex dolls in this day and age, they’re programmed and made to look almost like real women. You can even get them customized as well. That means, if you want one to look like your ex lover, you certainly can, or even a late lover that died for whatever reason.
Why the Creation?
One might wonder what one would get out of having a life size sex doll in their life. Well, think about it, if a person misses their partner so much, it can cause them to want to keep them alive in their life in some way by creating a life-size replica of this, which in turn would be a sex doll in this way. Kokoschka actually managed to sketch out and draw her with detailed drawings of his lover. He went to someone who was skilled at making mannequins. Kokoschka asked for her to make the woman real. The mannequin maker managed to make the woman feel as soft and as sensuous as a woman, so swan skin was used. Feeling is typically the highlight of many sex dolls.
If you feel a sex doll, they often can feel almost real. For those that are missing a person in their life, this can be a fitting sort of replacement for them, which in turn can fill a void in the person’s heart.
However, with sex dolls, it definitely is important that they are visually oriented as well. Men are often very visually oriented, which is why these end up looking lifelike. For those who want a sex doll to look like the person that they want it to look like, careful consideration is taken and the doll can be manufactured to specific interests. It’s important that they feel lifelike, but often, the way that they look can play a much larger role in this, since men rely more on visuals rather than touch and emotions.
Cutting off Emotions
For many who are depressed due to losing a loved one, a sex doll can be a way for them to feel these human emotions once again. When a loss happens, it can cause a person to not want to explore that realm of sexuality anymore, and even turn off all feelings that are associated with this. It can really make a person feel almost dissociated from typical human life, however, a sex doll is a means to help turn that switch back on once again.
If they look similar, feel similar, and if you want one that has a heat and vocal function, even feel similar, it can often be a great way to help fill the void of depression a person might feel. Often, it’s very hard to replicate this, but if someone misses a person enough, this can be a fitting replacement, which in turn will allow them to put their affections towards another person rather than just themselves.
For some, this can even be a replacement for a companion in a sense. for Kokoschka, he actually used his doll in different ways. For example, he used it as a model for the paintings he did, hired a maid to look after her and he even took the doll to the opera and to parties. While some didn’t know how far the intimacy went, for those that have dolls in this day and age, it often can lead to sexual contact as well. He even had servants and friends spread various rumors of the doll and the newspapers actually relayed the stories. He even beheaded the doll at a party and poured wine over her, and the police patrol thought it was a real corpse.
Now it might not get as far as the last part of that, but if you think about it, loneliness, depression, the lack of intimacy with a person, all of that, can really change a person for the worse. For some, it can lead to sexual assault, and even becoming so clouded that they believe abuse is okay, which it isn’t, but in some ways, having the dolls can protect the person from any harmful actions that they might do, including even actions to themselves, since often, the person who loses the woman will tend to blame themselves.
But with a sex doll, if you do have that kind of connection with it, you can take it with you to various functions. You can show it off if you want, and while it might seem strange to an outsider, for many, this is a key coping mechanism, and it’s what can work for someone.
Now with many of these lifelike silicone sex dolls, they are made realistic. In this day and age, they aren’t mannequins like the ones that Kokoschka had, but rather, they are actually anatomically correct dolls, although some of them are much smaller than the average woman, but typically, they’re about the same size as a real woman. These dolls typically have glass eyes, real like hair, synthetic TPE skin that feels real, intelligence personalities in some cases, and even voice commands and sensors if that’s what a person wants. Of course, this can be as large or as limited as one wants it to be, with someone either wanting all of this, or maybe just a doll that looks like the person. There are so many different options, that people can even have the ultimate duplicate at hand. This can prove to be a great choice, and while it might seem a bit much, for many, it’s the perfect type.
In this day and age, you can even use laser 3D modeling to laser scan and recreate a detailed human figure, right down to some of the textures of the skin, which creates the ultimate duplicate.
Can be Used for More Than Sex
Now for some of these people, the sex dolls can be more like an art form and a companion than just someone to fill in the void of sex. For some, this is actually a piece of artwork, which was designed and created and it is definitely a piece that can be shown as a performance art piece. For some, it can be a muse as well, allowing the person to create great works of art that can be inspiring to the masses. For others, this can be just a partner to go do fun things with, such as maybe go out on dates.
If depression ends up ruining the social skills of someone, this doll can be used for that as well. The person can talk to the doll, take it out on dates, even spend quality time with it. While sex id a great function for this, and the urges are often healthy to put out at the doll, these can be used for so many more various great means, and they are ultimately up to the person at hand in regards to what they want to do.
hese dolls can help with the anguish too by just being there. For some, they are received as a sort of companion for many, and it can be a good solution for some in terms of loss. Now this doesn’t fit everyone, but it is in some situations a healthy way to cope in their own ways. Yes, it is a bit bizarre to an outsider, but for those that have a doll, it can make a world of a difference.
There is even a study on the association between these dolls and some people. For Kokoschka, it was almost like an extension of himself in a sense, and it was part of his own personal artistic agenda. There is an association between artists and mannequins, and even from as far back to the renaissance to Degas and Manet, mannequins played a huge part of artistic representation. For those that are depressed, it can also be their way of expressing themselves as well. It definitely played a huge part in the contemporary and surrealists movements as well. However, it was also seen as a way to cope with anguish, which when working together, proved to help the person get over the loss of losing the one that they love. Of course, with Kokoschka, he also used the doll in order to increase the reputation of himself as well. It is a bit of a weird and crazy way to do so, but it is also very shrewd.
Now, not everyone who gets a sex doll will be using it for those reasons. Sex dolls can help cope with depression by being the sort of way to allow a person to take out their actions and frustrations on. It can help as well with various communications, which can often assist a person into getting back into society once more. Sometimes, if a person has this sex doll with them for a little bit, it can give them the confidence to go out in the real world and start dating and talking once more. This can be a great step for them, and often, for those with depression, it can lift their spirits up and help them fill any holes left in their hearts.
For some psychologists, if there is an obsession there as well as depression, such as the person doesn’t think he can get over the person, a sex doll can show them that. It can show that while yes, this is a way to cope, but it’s not the end-all to this. It can show them that it’s worth it to get out and talk to others, to fulfill that need for another person, while also working with the sexual urges that the person has.
If you or someone you know has suffered a loss, this might be a good way to help one get back into the swing of things in society. If you’re working with a psychologist, and you tend to have a fascination with someone in the past, ask if this is the right solution for your struggles. Silicone sexdolls are there to help people with various conditions and mental afflictions, and they can even help with the obsessive nature that loss sometimes gives to a person. At the end of the day, it is the choice of the person on whether or not they want to go this route, but in many ways, sometimes it’s a way to cope that you might have dreamed of. It’s a way to help a person really get the spark back into their life, allowing them to become functional in society once more. It can be rough out there for those that have suffered from loss. It’s never fun, and the pain of being stuck in the moment can cause anxiety, but if you do take the time to learn about this, learn about yourself, and work on these urges it can make the depression coping easier.

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